I am starting my final semester (I think so) in USC after serving a temporary working life in a company which is currently going through rough patch (Ref:Previous Blog). I have to say school life is far better. If someone funds and pays to attend school , I would do it forever. Reasons are quite obvious.
When you are working in corporate life , it tends to be monotonous. Get up every weekday at the same time , get ready , go to work , come back , work out and sleep.
Wait for weekend for enjoyment/relaxation and again curse Monday morning. Virtually its a cycle of predictable events. U feel life as if someone had programmed you.
In school life , every day is some what new. We don't have to wait for a weekend to sleep or relax. Except to attend class and submit an assignment it hardly matters which day of the week it is. You are the boss of your own life. Moments that you spend in school is the one which will remember for rest of your life.
Make best use of your education life rather that cribbing about it. Though u get paid when u work , money is not all it life. Funny thing is , sometime people get so much that they don't have time to spend with satisfaction. Thats the Irony life!
I am not denying the fact that one shouldn't require money at all. Most people are bound to work for living some day . Am only trying to say that you have to strike the right balance between your work and life. Work is not life!. I know this is hard to do , but once balance is found person will be content or happy in life.
Wonderful thoughts to start the day with....
15 years ago
nice post..few observations..
If someone funds and pays to attend school...
again that person needs money to fund you, so he has to work...
money is not all it life... Yes agree, but remember it is a lot ;)
maga.. become a PhD student.. they will fund u and u will be a student :)
wish their was so much liberty :-P
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