I finally thought , I should blog something. My last post was posted on Aug 21st. It has been 10 months since I posted. So , what is the reason??
May be am very lazy to blog. Other reason could be , I get excited by new things and gradually loose interest. My mind is very wavering , my interest and moods keep swinging all the time.
One more reason , may be i felt not many people were reading my thoughts. So , I thought what is the point in blogging anyway?
So here I am again , writing some crap. I have no Idea till how long this interest will float in my pendulum brain. But one thing I realized , I should blog not for other people's sake , I should for myself. Write out what your mind really things rather than waiting for people's reaction. Once you start doing it for your sake , other people might appreciate it. Also , Some day when you read an old memory , you would exactly know what you are feeling , may be feel good or bad about it.
Well having given an explanation as to why one should blog , now I should decide how frequent I should blog. Well its a tricky decision to make . Right now I feel , should post once in a week at least. One week is a lot of time to to write something. It could be my personal life , others or current controversial topic and list goes on.
I have a new found purpose for blogging , at least that's what I feel now. Also , I should not just write and keep quiet , I have to start reading other people's blog.
Its a good time pass to get to know other people thoughts may be you will understand better.
So who ever you are , who was patient enough to come to this last line , I would suggest you to start (Or restart ) blogging.
That's it for now , will star blogging soon on some inter sting things happened(or happening) in my life.
Wonderful thoughts to start the day with....
15 years ago
good going maga.. Lets start a competition on who blogs more frequently [:P]
Maga, ur blog reminded me of the scene where Ross convinces Pheobhe why she should ride bi-cycle. (Dont remember the exact words). Here u are convincing urself why u should blog...gr8 :)
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