Today News paper main Headine was obviously about Saddam Hussien's execution. Along with this , also about condemnation of India and various sections of Indians. Well how does it matter to us i also saw people protesting (CPI(M) i think ) . i was surpirsed to see this actually. Why are we making such a fuss about this in INDIA?? I feel they are just bunch of losers who instead of enjoying new year celebrations found themselves in front of raveneous Media. We must be more concerned about India as a whole.
CPI(M) seems to dislike U.S and they feel its this will make them Heroes in eyes of people.
Common people enjoy the New year weekend and have some good resolutions that will make you feel good about what you are doing.
The main reason behind the out burst by sections of politicians against the Execution of Saddam can be traced to VOTE BANK POLITICS. Saddam was from Sunni section of Muslims. He ruled over Iraq for decades and inflicted large amounts of human rights violations which included Genocides etc against the Majority Shiaiite Muslims. People there were disgruntled and the divide between Shias and Sunnis there rose to a peak. India and Pakistan however are mostly Sunni Majority. And whatever we see here is a fall out of the vote bank politics adopted to woo the Sunni Majority Muslim Sentiments. Although some political parties are raising hue and cry over this,the government doesnt want to go all out against the hanging because of growing good relationship with America. Hence the term government officialy used was that it was "DISAPPOINTED" with the hanging.
The main reason behind the out burst by sections of politicians against the Execution of Saddam can be traced to VOTE BANK POLITICS. Saddam was from Sunni section of Muslims. He ruled over Iraq for decades and inflicted large amounts of human rights violations which included Genocides etc against the Majority Shiaiite Muslims. People there were disgruntled and the divide between Shias and Sunnis there rose to a peak. India and Pakistan however are mostly Sunni Majority. And whatever we see here is a fall out of the vote bank politics adopted to woo the Sunni Majority Muslim Sentiments. Although some political parties are raising hue and cry over this,the government doesnt want to go all out against the hanging because of growing good relationship with America. Hence the term government officialy used was that it was "DISAPPOINTED" with the hanging.
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